All books are softbacks and are 100% spotless, tight and bright without even any bent corners.
(1) Nursing Theories & Nursing Practice, Marilyn Parker and C. Smith, 3rd edition, copyright 2010, FA Davis Publisher, 517 pages.
(2) Instructor's Manual for Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice, Shirley Countryman et al, copyright 2001, FA Davis, 71 pages with hardcopy pics of transparencies.
(3) Understanding Nursing Research, 5th edition, Nancy Burns and Susan Grove, copyright 2011, Elsevier Saunders, 574 pages.
(4) Learning Styles and the Nursing Profession, Rita Dunn and Shirley Griggs, copyright 1998, NLN Press, 116 pages.
Books to be shipped via Media mail.