A hard to find VHS tape produced in 1985 and narrated by Ronald Reagan. The video was produced in 1947 by the US Signal Corps. The tape details the building of a road from India (Ledo) to China in 1943-4 to connect to the Burma road which was a supply line of the allies to China. The total road lenght was over 1000 miles. The Japanese had destroyed the former link (Burma Road) thus isolating the Chinese. In many ways the road was an engineering achievement thru uncharted jungles, forest, over high mountains and crossing water when natural elements such as monsoon rains as well as Japanese attacks were occurring.. The b/w movie is filled with real-life videos. It is an optimistic presentation even though the coincident airlift supply program was significantly more productive. The tape plays perfectly and rewinds perfectly in fast mode even though one side of the tape protective door has a loose hinge.